Friday 16 October 2015

The Way We Were - Palimentary Conduct

Long ago when you hear the word Stateman or Statemanship it evoke images of respect, dignaty, honesty, intigraty and the list goes with all "itys" you can find. But it is a crying shame what we have passing for Statesmanship. Every day on the News and via all forms of media your hear of some bad behaviour accurring in  Paliment; leaving the public to wonder what is really going on in this country.

Why and what did we hired these people to do. Argue over personal induendo one might imply about them openly. Why have our Paliment now become a personal battle field of words. Do they not realise people are watching them and amongst these people are the children who are our future. Do they not remmber why they took this job, was it not to serve others not themselves? Can they not remember to put country before self. We are becomming something that is boarding on dangerous grounds. The Pandora's box which exist in the middle of thier faces has been opened and it is getting harder to close it, we as a people need to get involve and help  those politician to shut those boxes which have been opened without regards for who is listening must be shut.

This is so sad look what we have reached to

Long ago this was not the case. The way politician were a dignified profession, every child aspired towards leading this country into new eras. We knew why we went to school because thhe politician told us  us and showed by example. When the late Dr Eric Williams said the future of the country lie in the bookbags of our children we knew what he ment. When we voted, after the eletions there was nothing to see or hear about paliment because the matter concerning the nation was not a performances for all to see. No a day its' a big stage an the politicians are the actors. Valentino the calysian must be feeling like a prophet for singing "Life is a stage" and certainly the politicians of the day are the actors. And people them boys emoting bad.
Remember when statemen were statemen. let have a look back.

The Late great Dr Eric Williams the first Prime Mister of Trinidad and Tobago
Sir Elis Clark a true stateman

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