Thursday 8 October 2015

The We Were was like All of We were one Family

 (one of Trinidad oldest village where life have not change much though the year)

Every day when you pick up a news paper or listen to the news you have to ask yourself, has the world gone mad? How could people be so mean to each other, where has all the love gone. All you hear is about gruesome murders,  corrupt official, immorality, legalism, terrorism even faith base institution is worrying to one soul.
One has to asks oneself where did we go wrong, yes it had murders and such long ago. But of late it has just gotten worse. It leaves one longing for what we call the good old days, when the world was kinder and love was real. People cared for each other, helped one another and what I had I shared with my neighbors. There was trust in the village. One could leave your house open and go out shopping and if you leave clothes on the line and rain fall your neighbor pick them up fold them and put them in the house for you. Nearly everybody slept with their windows open no one feared for their life. Children could go by any neighbor and eat, in fact it was considered rude or out of  place to cook eat and turn down your pot. The custom was you must cook something extra for if a stranger past.
The whole community took care of the children and all had one mind  or thinking. Even if you and the neighbor were not on speaking terms. No child was allowed to disrespect an elder , and if a transgression  was done by any child it was dealt with severely and openly by the one to whom the transgression was against; overseer over the watchful eye of your parents.
This kind of community comradeship made for a better society and by extension a better nation. It is said that if a people don't know their past, then they can't embrace their future. I am saying remember your past so that we can use it principles to better our future. Let us try and bring back some of the old time ways.

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