Sunday 6 December 2015

Why the Way we were is so important to our future

Take a look at what our behavior pattern has become this is a real reflection of our a typical day at school; where our future minds are being prepared too rule this world. Not to song like a broke record but we have long something that was a way of life long ago and that is moral, respect and caring for each other'
I attend a function this morning with the new Minister of National security Major Edward Dillon and he to reflected my sentiments that our society has loss so much from the past and it is his desire to use his ministry to bring back the down home family value that made nation stand out from all the rest (paraphrasing) he had that the country was going though a stage of complacence and lack of connecting with crime; he added that people no longer feel the need to help when an individuals are attacked but rather the only reaction for the average citizen is to take their phone out take a picture and post. this pre occupation with social media has made us would be producer ready for a cameo at any time. One would often hear individual laughing as others are beat while they are film then it posted and we are all in awe at the behavior of posted but never the poster of whom you can clearly heard laughing.

This was not the case years ago and doing such a thing by the average Joe just for fame would have been frown upon. There is an old saying "he who broke it must be the one to fit it" therefore the onus is upon we the adults to work together to bring about the change that our nation to badly  needs, so that we can have a better tomorrow, today.  That would spread around the world.
  In this season of globalization it is necessary that the customs of these other nations never become customs of our society and infect us, in such a way that we become them and we lose our cultural identity and replace it with what those other nations has allowed to become the norm in their society  now become our norms as we seeing now. But I know it is not to late we are not to late, all the is needed is to bring back some of the old time ways.

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