Tuesday 1 December 2015

The Way we Were- The education System


The way we were when it came to educating a child was an entire community thing, all the elements for a holistic human being were working together to create what one may be able to classify as a model citizen. It could be personified as the school, church and the community working with the family for the betterment of the society in directly but directly for the child.

 I believe that all the stake holders understood this vision and built their vision and mission statement around this prime objective of educating the child for a better tomorrow.  The motto of the national Parent and teacher association is “school and home working toward the betterment of the child”  proving that  if all stake holder worked together we would a better society and it was working,  we may not have had a perfect utopian society but life back then gave hope for a brighter tomorrow.

School days were truly happy days, teacher taught for the love of it. Family, friends and neighbor did their part to assist each other to bring up their kids; no child could break school or classes without someone blowing the whistle on them. Disrespect was handled with a united front, there was one thinking unanimous to all, it was an unbreakable force and no child could surmise a way to penetrate it.

Until now, I don’t know where we went wrong; maybe it was too much lick vetted out my our parents or the long winded berating then meted out to us, but then again it must have been the hash punishment dole out to one without explanation or question of authority that made the baby boomer of our time change the way they trained up their children. But our society has change for the worse, the united front was broken and the child became the leader making this new generation though more educated, supposedly more civilize and cultured have proven to be more immoral, lawless, selfish and unkind to each other than ever. Crimes and murders are on a rise with most or if not all are young person under the age of thirty; tell me where did we go wrong.

I sat in a meeting and heard the principal blame everyone from teachers, church and parent for the way things are except him. But he is the head of the system, and if he can’t do his small part then what is to become of the school, why can’t we not see that we are all a part of the problem. We are the ones who broke it then we are the ones to fix it.

Else school days will no longer happy days.

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