Monday 23 November 2015

The Way We Were- Courtship

The way we were when one fell in love or decided it was time for them to settle down and find someone special to share there lives; was quit different from the courtship of today. Ones parents and match making chose and decided who was best for you sometimes the screening process was mostly like a business transaction. With the  details of match up being left up the parents of the couples. sometime with a not even anyone thinking to asked you if you liked the young man or visa versa and whose case scenario you would meet your intended for first time at the alter.

Today relationship is quit liberal  and direct and it is  fair say, that the women of today are the pursuer rather than the pursued. There may be allot of reasonable factors that contributed to this new kind of mating ritual  of course, of and there are allot of reasons that attributed to the trading of roles system what we have today;  where a woman can decide that it time for a  "bootie call" or wants a relationship she doesn't feel she need to wait to be asked,  she does the asking herself first and if the man is interested they hook up.  she is paying her own bills and is in control of her own life. therefore why should she not make the selection of her mate, her choice. Even if it means marring outside of her race. Something that would of brought great shame, pain and disgrace to her family. Wow how times have changed and I would say for the better.



But the way we were, courtship was exactly what is was supposed to be courtship. one waited to be courted. A potential suitor would scope out the girl of his choice, carefully observing her. As she went about her daily life. then when he was ready he would asked her parents for permission to visit, if he was known by  people in the neighborhood and had a good repetition he would be allowed, and after a short time of visiting, which  would never be alone.Then if they both like each other, he would approach her father with a formal writing letter request his permission to marry his daughter. And if they agreed and she accepted he would purpose formally to her.  There was hardly ever any sex  before marriage happening back, that kind of thing was consider un- lady like behavior. And spurred upon by all. It was the fashion back then to marry a virgin.

In my opinion relationship goes with courtship and it doesn't really matter how two people get together. Its all about how they live together that's important.




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